Saturday, November 19, 2011


As humans, we cannot prevent the damages done to the reef through natural occurrences such as hurricanes, but we can prevent further destruction caused by humanity. The seafood industry is big in Belize but it is endangering certain species of fish due to over-fishing. The methods used to catch fish and various crustaceans are also destroying the coastal habitats needed for species of the reef to thrive. Belizeans, tourists and people around the world can prevent extinction of fish species by not purchasing these types of endangered species caught off the coast of Belize. Besides fish, one of the main issues affecting the reef previously mentioned is agricultural runoff due to the growing of citrus fruits and banana plantations. The methods that these fruits are grown can be changed in order to improve the ecosystem of Belize’s coast as well as the ecosystems present on land. Fruits grown in monoculture are bad for the ecosystem in which they are grown but they also affect many other ecosystems, as can be seen by its effect on the Belize Barrier Reef. Civilization as a whole should seek better methods of growing produce, such as intercropping, which is better for the environment. Another way people can help better the reef is to support it through contributions to non-profit organizations or by visiting the reef. Tourism is an issue that has caused the reef to decline, but there are healthy ways to tour the reef without leaving a negative impact. Tourists can travel to Belize’s barrier reef to explore the local culture and people as opposed to going on a vacation and staying in a hotel or going on a cruise that can kill parts of the reef. The revenue gained from tourist activities helps the economy and thus helps the government which can use collected taxes to create programs that will benefit the reef. Government intervention and implementation of stricter laws can help maintain and possibly revive parts of the ecosystem. Human impacts have negatively affected the reef for decades, but something they take for granted may be gone sooner than they expected. Belize’s barrier reef is a natural wonder of the world that attracts many people but preservation needs to be the common goal of Belizeans as well as citizens of the world. 

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